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8 Ways How To Hire Freelancers For Your Biz To Grow Now

how to hire freelancers

How to hire freelancers for your small business to grow your biz.

Why are so many small businesses talking about how to hire freelancers for their business? How to hire a freelancer is easier than ever before.

It’s because freelancers save businesses money. Hiring a freelancer is more economical than hiring a part-time or full-time employee. This is why more and more businesses, both small and large, are learning how to hire freelancers.

47% of the world workers are now freelancers according to Exploding Topics stats on freelancing. That’s 1.57 billion people in the global workforce.

When it’s time for your small business to start hiring freelancers, you’re going to want to hire the right people for the right projects. You want to spend your money well and make your business grow.

That is why you need to know exactly how to hire freelancers for your small business in 2024.

Whether your small business already has experience outsourcing work to freelancers or you’re new to this, you can benefit from these eight tips on how to hire freelancers.

What Small Businesses Need to Know About Freelancers

How To Hire Freelancers By Choosing The Right Freelancer For The Job

Everyone has unique skills and talents, strengths and weaknesses, styles, and preferences. No two freelancers are alike. 

Pay attention to how each freelancer responds to your job posting. Notice what they say and how they say it. 

If you’re hiring a freelancer for a large project or more than just a one-time project, set up an interview via phone or video to ask questions, listen to their answers and get a better sense of who they are. 

Each freelancer will handle your project differently, so go with the one you think will give you exactly the results you are looking for. 

Know What Freelancers Charge 

There’s quite a wide range of rates for freelance work, depending on the type of work it is, the experience of the freelancer, their geographic location, and more. 

Before you post your job or start contacting freelancers, do some research to learn what freelancers charge for the type of work you need to be performed. This way you’ll know what to expect and won’t be surprised. 

How To Hire Freelancers By Looking In The Right Places

There are lots of ways you can find freelancers, both online and offline. To find a freelancer:

The first time you hire a freelancer you may want to search in all of the above places. You’ll then get a feel for which works best for you, and you can narrow down the places where you post job listings as time goes on.

Look for freelancers for your business on job websites.

Write A Clear and Thorough Job Description 

Write your job description carefully. You want it to be clear and give freelance candidates a thorough idea of what you need.

Writing a clear and thorough job description will help attract freelancers who are right for the job. – How To Hire Freelancers 

It also will help them understand exactly what you need so they’ll know exactly what to do. It also will help you both avoid spending unnecessary time clarifying later. 

A clear and thorough job description will allow you to find the right freelancer and get the results you want. 

Think Globally In Addition To Locally 

There are over a billion freelancers all over the world. When you’re growing your small business, you may not have a lot to spend on your project. Freelancers in your own country may charge more than you can afford.

Fortunately, that’s no problem. You can always hire a freelancer from another country. 

Freelancers in different countries tend to charge different rates for the same quality of work. You can find these freelancers on the same freelance job search sites where you’ll be posting your job anyway.

If you already know that you want a freelancer from a specific country, post your job on a freelance job search site specific to that country. 

Don’t expect to find freelancers elsewhere in the world who charge just a tiny fraction of what freelancers in your country charge. Do expect that you can find freelancers who charge somewhat lower rates for the same work.   

Be Communicative To Hire Freelancers

After you hire a freelancer, keep the communication lines open. You don’t want them to feel they shouldn’t ask questions or shouldn’t say something they feel they need to say. Tell them they’re welcome to contact you with any questions or concerns. 

Likewise, if you think of something you want to clarify or want to say about how the job is being handled, don’t be hesitant to say it.

Open communication on both your part and the freelancer’s part will help ensure the job will be done to your satisfaction.

Make Sure The Job Is Done Correctly 

When you hire a freelancer, you’re hiring them to do the job the way you need it to be done. If you feel they fell short of that goal, don’t be shy about letting them know.

Tell them about that so that they can correct the issue before you pay. 

Making sure the job is done to your satisfaction helps you get what you’re paying for. It will also help the freelancer because you’ll be happy with their work and more likely to give them repeat business in the future. 

Give Ratings, Reviews, and Testimonials 

After a freelancer finishes a job for you, be sure to leave them a rating as well as a review if you found them on a job search site. 

If you found them privately through their freelance blog or a connection of yours, they may ask you for a testimonial, so spend a few minutes writing one. 

If what you say about their work is favorable, this will help out the professional relationship between you and that freelancer. However, if it’s unfavorable, it will help the freelancer correct whatever needs to be corrected for future projects.

It will also help people who hire them in the future because the freelancer will have taken what you said and used it to improve their skills.  

Conclusion: How to Hire Freelancers

Learning how to hire freelancers will save your small business money. Follow the advice above about how to hire freelancers and you’ll be able to have a positive experience with the freelancers you hire.

The more work you successfully outsource to freelancers, the more money you can save. Therefore, the more you can make your small business grow.

Have you hired freelancers for your business or blog? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

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