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Cyber Security Checklist For Small Business – 4 Whys To Make One

cyber security checklist

There are 4 reasons why you need a cyber security checklist for small business in 2023. Looking through the list of 2023 cyber attacks, you will see an array of famous enterprises that turn over millions (and sometimes billions) each year.

As a small business, you might think this proves hackers are not interested in your modest little company. But you’d be wrong.

Just because you don’t have a billboard in Times Square doesn’t mean you should not focus on cybersecurity and protect your business from hackers.

Not convinced? How about these four reasons to change your mind?

No One Is Too Small Of A Target For Cyber Attacks

Most small businesses assume their little craft store or copywriting business isn’t the target of some big-time hacker. However, any business that makes money is likely to be targeted.

Small businesses often have less robust measures in place, making them prime for hacking. 

Evidence of this can be found when the FBI repaired Microsoft Exchange servers following a significant breach where the culprits typically targeted non-profits and similar organizations.

Although the chances of your business being hacked are slim when considering the vast array of companies, you don’t want to take any chances. 

You Can Protect Your Information With A Cyber Security Checklist

Your company information is some of the most important data you carry. This includes all your financial records, information about employees, and much more.

If you play it fast and lose with this information, you risk your business being held to ransom, and that’s the last thing you need when trying to complete a project. 

However, while your company information is important, it is not the most important. 

You Can Protect Your Customers From Cyber Attacks

Your customer data is arguably the be-all and end-all of a successful company. If you do not take care of your customer or client’s sensitive information, you may as well close the company down.

It can take years to build customer trust, yet one breach – no matter how minor or even unnoticed – could derail all this trust. Once this happens, it’s challenging to pick yourself back up, and many customers may look elsewhere for a similar service. 

Lisa, Small Biz Tipster

This issue is especially true when dealing with sensitive information like bank details or medical records. If you don’t try to protect customer data, why should they use your business?

Prevent Damaging Downtime With A Cyber Security Checklist

Downtime can have a horrendous impact on your business. If your website stops working, you could miss out on new clients, sales, and more.

Therefore, ensure your website and servers are secure. Blackouts are bad enough for business productivity, but hacks that lock you out of your accounts can be even worse, and they can take hours (or even days) to retrieve.

Around-the-clock cybersecurity will keep your servers safe, meaning you don’t need to worry about downtime. 

It’s good to make a cyber security checklist for risk assessments.

Keep Protected With A Cyber Security Risk Assessment Checklist

Keeping your business and customers safe should be a priority for any small enterprise. Having a cyber security checklist can help your business. You will need to know your risk assessment. Are you passwords all encrypted and safe?

Not only does this demonstrate a crucial dedication to your customers, but it will also help maintain – and even boost – your reputation.

This is especially true compared to similar small businesses that did not carry out due diligence on their cybersecurity measures.

Your Turn

Has your small business had to deal with a cyber attack? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below and learn what else others can do to avoid it.

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