The latest news about Small Biz Tipsier is that Feedspot voted it one of the top 100 small business blogs of 2025. The list is based on the best Small Business blogs from thousands of blogs on the web and is ranked by relevancy, authority, social media followers, and freshness.
The Small Biz Tipster blog was started by Lisa of Inspire to Thrive, which has been operating for over a decade. After 13+ years as a part-time side hustle, it became a full-time business.
As a teenager, Lisa began a graphic design business called Creative Hands. Then, she went on to work at newspapers in marketing and advertising, helping small businesses grow.
As the industry began to fade, she knew I had to do something different and starting a small biz was her dream.
After growing the Inspire To Thrive business, she wanted to share her experiences with others. She loves helping others with their businesses, expanding their digital presence, and growing their businesses.
Hence, that’s how Small Biz Tipster was born.

About My Other Blogs
Her other older successful blog focuses on social media, blogging, and SEO. She wanted this Small Biz Tipster website to be more focused on the business end of growing a business, marketing, etc., to help others start and grow their businesses.
She started another new blog about rural living after moving to a rural area 5 years ago.
So, what keeps you up at night running your small business?
Likewise, I hope to help you along your “business” journey! “
Lisa, Small Biz Tipster
What Else About Lisa of Small Biz Tipster?
If she is not blogging or found on X, she can be seen walking in the mountains in her rural area or snowshoeing or snowmobiling in the winter.
She also loves doing puzzles to unwind at the end of the day and crocheting. Her grandmother taught her this craft many years ago as a child, and she credits her grandmother with profoundly influencing her life growing up.