Starting New Business

If you are starting a new business check out the tips from Small Biz Tipster as your start on your small biz journey.

indie author

Indie Author Brand: 3 Essential Steps to Launch Yours Now

Perhaps, the first question you can ask yourself is, why become an indie author? Is there truly a profitable career? Self-published authors are discovering that they can earn significantly more than their traditionally published counterparts, reporting an average yearly indie author income of $82,600.  This promising figure is even more enticing for women authors, who

Indie Author Brand: 3 Essential Steps to Launch Yours Now Read More »

how to collaborate with others

Collaborate And Listen: 3 Best Reasons For Small Biz To Start

In today’s world, businesses need to think outside their own four walls. When your small biz can collaborate and listen to other experienced business owners you can learn a lot. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, there are three reasons you should listen to and collaborate with others in the

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wedding invitation business

Wedding Invitation Business: How To Get Started Fast

Honestly, there’s a lot of opportunity for business and growth when it comes to the wedding industry, whether it’s photographers, cakes, venues, and, yes, even wedding invitation business(because Canva just doesn’t have what it takes compared to professionals). So, you’re thinking about diving into the enchanting world of wedding invitations? Honestly, it’s a brilliant choice!

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venmo small business grant

Venmo Small Business Grant: Will Your Small Biz Apply in 2024?

The Venmo Small Business Grant program offers financial support to small businesses. If you are a small business owner, you may be considering whether to apply for the 2024 grant. (The deadline has passed for 2024, however watch for 2025 grant submissions!) In this blog post, I will explore the eligibility criteria, application process, and

Venmo Small Business Grant: Will Your Small Biz Apply in 2024? Read More »

how to start a wholesale business

Starting A Wholesale Business? 5 Factors To Consider First

Starting a wholesale business can be rewarding and profitable, but it requires careful planning and consideration. Before launching your business, it’s vital to conduct thorough market research to understand the industry and identify opportunities and potential challenges. Learning how to start a wholesale business takes time and commitment. You will need to develop a plan

Starting A Wholesale Business? 5 Factors To Consider First Read More »

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