gig workers

gig workers taxes delayed

Gig Workers Small Businesses Tax Monitoring Now

If you haven’t heard, small businesses’ tax monitoring, which affects millions of gig workers, was delayed one year. The IRS admitted confusion around the new policy forced the delay 2 years ago. The 1.9 trillion-dollar COVID relief bill passed 2 years ago by Congress includes a change to the IRS tax code that requires businesses to […]

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independent worker vs. employee

Independent Contractor vs. Employee: Rule Impacts Small Biz

The U.S. Department of Labor recently issued a final rule that will force companies to treat some workers as employees rather than less expensive independent contractors. This development has significant implications for small business owners, affecting how they classify their workforce and the potential impact on their operations and bottom line with independent contractor vs.

Independent Contractor vs. Employee: Rule Impacts Small Biz Read More »

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