learn from Chewy Pet Store

How to Market Your Store Like Chewy Pet Store: 8 Strategies

Ever wondered how Chewy Pet Store manages to captivate its audience so effectively? You’re not alone. Pet owners across the nation are drawn to Chewy for their unmatched customer engagement and emotional connection. In this post, you’ll discover the secrets behind Chewy’s successful marketing strategies. We’ll explore how Chewy uses personalized customer service, engaging social […]

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indie author

Indie Author Brand: 3 Essential Steps to Launch Yours Now

Perhaps, the first question you can ask yourself is, why become an indie author? Is there truly a profitable career? Self-published authors are discovering that they can earn significantly more than their traditionally published counterparts, reporting an average yearly indie author income of $82,600.  This promising figure is even more enticing for women authors, who

Indie Author Brand: 3 Essential Steps to Launch Yours Now Read More »

business models for startup

Business Models for Startups – 3 Fantastic Ways To Get Started

What are the right business models for startups to use to avoid pitfalls?  Some companies purely offer products. An example includes a toothpaste manufacturer or a pet food distributor. Some companies purely offer services. Examples include an accountant or a relationship counselor. Then there are those that purely offer experiences such as a hot air

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