Sue-Ann Bubacz

Sue-Ann is a Content Creator for Business. She loves writing and producing original content assets to help you connect with people and grow your business through engaging, unique, and creative content projects. Connect with Sue-Ann via her website. Thanks:)

Getting comfortable in business for yourself

There Are Some Things In Business Where You Don’t Have Choices

More people than ever are opting to work in a business for themselves and kick the traditional career path. The pandemic fallout also kicked up the desire to work from home, inspiring even more self-employment for those in business.  Welcome to the wonderful world of business, where everything is roses and sunshine! Or is it?  […]

There Are Some Things In Business Where You Don’t Have Choices Read More »

ERP for business processes

What is ERP, and Does It Matter for Your Business Today?

Enterprise resource planning or ERP is “the integrated management of main business processes, often in real-time and mediated by software and technology,” according to Wikipedia.  The definition of an ERP system stands for enterprise resource planning. But interestingly, Investopedia qualifies the message “managing and integrating business processes” further with these words, “through a single system.”

What is ERP, and Does It Matter for Your Business Today? Read More »

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