follow up emails

Follow up Emails: 4 Reasons Small Biz Can’t Afford To Ignore

Doing follow up emails or calls with your clients is of great importance for your small business. It shows that you care about them. You have taken the time to respond to their needs in a timely manner.

Not only that, but more customers will stick with you if you are in contact with them more often than your competitors.

follow up emails or calls with your clients

Yes, your competitors are out there too trying to take away your business from your clients with their own follow up emails and calls.

Which Method Works Best For Your Customers?

Even better, know which way your clients like to be contacted. Some people prefer email, while others prefer an old-fashioned phone call. And the younger set may prefer text messages as their means of communication.

Everyone is different so be sure to get to know them well enough to know their preference of contact. Or, just ask them. They will appreciate your concern for their time.

Everyone is short on time these days so don’t waste their time with a daily barrage of calls and emails.

Of course, if you find that your customers prefer calls, you do need to make sure that the calls you are making are secure and allow for privacy. This will ensure that data isn’t leaked.

Furthermore, it is especially important in certain industries where calls need to follow regulations and be compliant.

Why Follow Up Emails?

Following up with your clients gives them a chance to ask you questions. Not only that, but you can ask them questions too.

Are they happy with your products and services? What could you or your business do better for them?

You can learn a lot about your clients by doing follow-up calls and emails. Therefore, you may learn about a new need they have.

You may be able to upsell them with their needs. But if you do not make a follow-up email or call then you will not know.

1. Provide Great Customer Service

When you follow up with people you are providing great customer service. Just be careful not to become a pest by following up daily. Be persistent but not pesty!

Most people love getting attention, especially from those they make purchases from. Don’t you love receiving a card in the mail from a business you do business with? It can make you feel more special.

My friend Ilka got me started on Send Out cards, not just for business but for personal use too. You can send birthday wishes, sympathy cards, and much more. You can even pick out a special gift to go with the Send Out card.

2. Learn What They Want Next with Polite Follow Up Emails

This is very important. Learn what they want or need next from YOU. Yes, your business should understand what your client’s needs are going forward before sending follow up emails.

As a matter of fact, how else can you help them in the future, right? By chatting with them by email or the phone, if not in person, ask specific questions of them. Did your business fulfill its needs?

Where do they see their business next year? What will affect it? Have their needs changed?

And lastly, what keeps them up at night? Maybe you can solve their problem and help them sleep better. That would put you ahead of the competition that is calling them all the time.

3. Build Relationships With Effective Follow Up Emails

Building relationships with follow-up emails is essential for effective communication and fostering connections. To achieve this, it is crucial to be prompt, concise, and personalized.

Begin by expressing gratitude for the previous interaction and referencing specific details to demonstrate attentiveness. Use a friendly and casual tone to establish a comfortable rapport.

Clearly convey the purpose of your email, whether it’s to provide additional information, schedule a meeting, or simply check in.

Finally, always end follow up emails with a call-to-action, encouraging further engagement and emphasizing the value of the relationship.

By following these guidelines for follow up emails, you can establish and nurture meaningful connections through follow up emails.

4. Many People Respond With Following Up

Research has shown that follow up emails have a higher response rate compared to initial emails. The main reason behind this is that follow-up emails serve as reminders, prompting recipients to take action.

By sending a second or even third email, it demonstrates persistence and shows that the sender is genuinely interested in engaging with the recipient.

Additionally, follow-up emails provide an opportunity to address any concerns or objections that may have arisen after the initial contact. This can help build trust and credibility, increasing the likelihood of a response.

Overall, the effectiveness of follow-up emails lies in their ability to capture attention, maintain momentum, and foster meaningful communication.

Customers Don’t Get Back To You with Follow Up Emails ?

Maybe it’s the tone of your voice or the email headline. Sometimes, if you try too hard it comes out in your voice. Be sure to remain friendly when leaving voicemails.

Keep it short and sweet. No one has time to listen to a long story on a voicemail.

If you are sending emails maybe note it is a time-sensitive question you have in the headline. Again keep it short and simple.

People have a hard time responding to long emails. If it is a short email they are more likely to respond. Research backs this theory up with 50-125 words being the sweet spot.

Also, consider adding some emotional words from your heart into your email as well, and ask at least one question. If people are asked a question they are more likely to respond to the email.

Follow up Emails: 4 Reasons Small Biz Can't Afford To Ignore Share on X

2 thoughts on “Follow up Emails: 4 Reasons Small Biz Can’t Afford To Ignore”

  1. Hi Lisa, … great tips above! Especially the one at the end about adding some emotional words from the heart and asking at least one question. People love it when there is a genuine connection, when there’s a bit of ‘feeling’ in the correspondence not just sales talk. I have to admit though that in recent years I’ve hardly sent out any emails. I do everything with physical cards now, and although you can put a piece of your heart just as well in an email, you can’t put it on a fridge. So at least occasionally, sending a physical card to customers or clients, may be a good idea. And, if a photo of the customer or his/her family is included, they never end up in the trash, but are proudly displayed on the refrigerator and a constant reminder of the sender. Free advertising! πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Ilka, welcome to Small Biz Tipster. I love that, “putting it on the fridge.” How do you get all those photos – social media? Something to think about with the holidays coming up here. Thanks Ilka.

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