I deleted my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter X from my phone a few minutes ago. They were not in line with my business’s core values. Will you change it if your small business begins to deviate from its core values?
I have no interest in politics and have not watched the news in 20 years. I spend a fair chunk of my day blogging but an almost bigger portion meditating, doing yoga, walking in nature, and studying spiritual books.
Table of Contents
Staying Focused On My Business Blog vs. Deviate From Core Values
Make no mistake about it; I will still use Facebook and X on my laptop, but only for:
- sharing content
- replying on Messenger and replying to Direct Messages
- responding to FB comments and text-only @replies on X Twitter
I plan to spend no more than 5-10 minutes on each site daily. Why?
Recent censoring, clear narratives, and the overall environment on Facebook and Twitter revealed that neither site is about free speech; both sites are about fear-mongering, fighting, and division.
I do not need to see how small businesses begin to deviate from their core values. My small business is almost exclusively built on the concepts of:
- love
- respect
- compassion
- freedom
- forgiveness
- generosity
- personal responsibility
A small collection of Facebook and X Twitter users post content in alignment with my values, but one look at the trending topics always reveals:
- negative news stories built on division, judgment, and an overall attitude of fear
- mindless gossip void of value or meaning
- silly memes loaded with ridiculous fluff
Do any of these ideals fit the core values of my business? No.
I shall spend no more than 2-5 minutes on X daily. Your small business begins to deviate from its core, sometimes fast and other times slowly.
Censorship By Social Media Networks
Facebook also seems to be moving further from concepts I value with my blogging business. Although less obvious than Twitter, the censorship in the name of silencing voices regarding news and political items seems less than honest.
I published a single update quoting facts from a government agency concerning a news topic causing suffering for the world. However, offering an honest perspective using government stats still triggered a flag warning that fact-checkers basically challenged my update.
What fact checkers does Facebook employ? King Solomon? Honest Abe Lincoln?

Facebook employees who check facts possess a clear agenda because, from my personal experience, most fact-checked and disputed claims seem contrary to mainstream media reports.
The Solution If Your Small Business Begins To Deviate From Its Core Value
Honor your core values 100% of the time. Let go of any income channel, small business strategy, or marketing technique that is not fully resonant with what you value.
Ignoring your moral compass always leads to dicey situations. Ethical entrepreneurs sleep well, prosper, and maintain peace of mind by demanding that their small business model completely resonates with their values.
But in a Universe of change, being nimble, flexible, and honest requires you to see warning signs whenever your business or marketing strategies stop resonating with your values.
X Twitter has presented a different strategy since I joined 16 years ago, 2 years after the company launched—Ditto for Facebook.
Noting how each social media site slowly but gradually changed its approach, tactics, and strategies warned me to use each less as I got more apparent in my brand message.
Small Business Begins To Deviate: Stop and Regroup!
My business and brand values began to deviate heavily from each social media site’s values for the past year; I summarily spent increasingly less time on Twitter and Facebook.
Build all marketing channels, business models, and income streams around what you value to keep your integrity intact.
Ryan Biddulph, Blogging From Paradise
Never sell out because losing your integrity may not immediately lower your profits, but the guilty, heavy, worrisome feeling of doing the wrong things weighs steadily on your mind for hours, days, and weeks.
For every Facebook, there are 50 more ways to connect with human beings online. For every X Twitter, there are 100 more ways to market your blog.
Never attach yourself to one network for its sheer user base. Building a thriving small business is a relationship and value game, not a numbers game. 5, 10, or 20 rabidly loyal:
- readers
- customers
- clients
- brand advocates
It can help you build a thriving online business based on their sheer passion and the reach and power of their communities. Any entrepreneur can serve, bond with, and befriend 5, 10, or 20 highly loyal fans through any website.
What if your small business model evolves into an idea completely deviating from your core values?
Slowly but gradually, dissolve the business as you begin building a business that is completely vibing with your values. To free yourself from social media narratives, create an entirely passive income model based on eBooks, audiobooks, courses, and paperbacks.
Explore your talents. Perhaps you dissolve your social media marketing business. Still, your blogging or networking skills can be easily translated into 10 eBooks, three courses, and the 10 audiobook and paperback versions of your eBooks.
Consulting and coaching services are real possibilities, too.
Do What You Value
Let go of what you do not value. Let your moral compass guide you toward greater small business success.
What will you do if your small business begins to deviate from your core values?
Please drop a comment here so we can have a frank discussion on Small Biz Tipster.
Hi Ryan,
With all the stuff going on with censorship, so many are leaving FB and Twitter. Knowing there is a lot of negativity on these platforms, I just scroll past them. I’m pin focused on my business and those who like what I share on social platforms.
I do like to keep in touch with my FB friends I have known for over 10 years.
I find engaging with those who I vibe with an uplifting experience….Like when I see your FB lives and posts. I enjoy them.
However, the whole censorship thing doesn’t get me down. As long as we are focused on our business (sharing blog posts, doing some FB ads) it still can work. It does for me.
Agreed Donna. I pop in for some higher energy updates, keep in touch with loved ones and that works for me.