see the signs

Do You See The Signs Ahead Warning Your Business? 3 Big Signs

Do you see the signs ahead for your business? A while ago driving up North through the mountains we were hit by a moose. We were shocked as it happened and a bit shaken even though we saw the signs everywhere. But why?

After all the signs were there all the time. My husband and I drove back and forth, and for years we never even saw one moose. Do you see the signs for your business that warn you?

We wanted to see a moose up close and take a nice photograph. Who wouldn’t, right? A few times we did it on the snowmobile trails.

But this time it was right on our windshield as it walked into us. We were in a big Ram truck driving by at around 40 mph.

The crash was loud and the mirror broke with the sounds of glass breaking. I closed my eyes in fear that glass would be all over me.

There was no time to snap a photograph of the big moose. I was too shaken up to think about it. (Sometimes even when you see the signs you are not prepared.) 

On the other hand, the moose kept walking across the street after being on our windshield. He was not hurt. Luckily, neither were we. Thank goodness too for having insurance.

Do You See Business Warning Signs?

Warning signs can be all around us every day. Today’s signs can point to possible shutdowns and working from home. Is your business ready to do that? Do you see the signs around you? Are you ready to make changes?

Oftentimes, small business owners are so busy in their own little world that they miss the warning signs around them. These types of warning signs can affect their small business.

Not only missing the signs but being too busy can impact your health and lead to burnout.

How To Tune In To Business Warning Signs

Listen and have patience throughout your day. By being patient and not running around from one project to another, you may hear or see warning signs around you.

Furthermore, if you have employees or freelancers you may miss their warning signs of leaving or not being able to keep up with the workload.

They too may feel burnout from the job and duties you have given them. Be wary of this and don’t let them surprise you with a goodbye.

Why Wait Until It’s Broke?

The old saying goes if something is not broken, why fix it?

Well, I say if you know in advance that it will break, you can prevent it from becoming broke and keep your business down!

The wise old saying is “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Oftentimes, when something breaks down you have to spend time fixing it or money to purchase a new one. Always look for warning signs in your technology or tools.

A business today cannot run without these tools.

Similarly, I had a client with an old mobile phone who could not do marketing functions anymore. I kept on saying, you need to upgrade your mobile device. Months later, they finally did 🙂

Are you prepared to invest in your business? Or do you miss the signs to upgrade?

What Others Are Saying About Your Business

Are others talking about your business not doing well? Or is your business being raved about with its products or services? Sometimes you must listen to what others are saying about your business.

You may need to improve an area of your business to keep it from falling. Be open to suggestions and what others have to say.

I know it can be hard, as your small business is like your baby, but saving your business from going under if you see the signs ahead. 

See The Signs of Sales Going Down Month After Month

Are your sales going in the wrong direction each month? Many small businesses have ebbs and flows with their sales.

Some businesses are niche-specific and make sales only during certain times of the year.

However, if your sales during those times are declining and don’t return within a year, is that a business warning sign for your small business?   

You may want to investigate further, do more market research, and/or hire a salesperson to increase sales. 

Watch this video to see if you have any of these business warning signs:

In Conclusion: See The Warning Signs Ahead

Some signs you drive by so often that you don’t pay attention. Like the moose sign, we drove by 100’s of times.

Now, after being hit by one, we pay much more attention to them when the yellow lights are flashing. Hence, we now realize how real the warning is.

Do you see the signs ahead of you and your business now? I’d love to know more in the comments below about the signs you see or miss today.

Spotting the Warning Signs for Your Business: An FAQ

What are the three big signs my business is in trouble?

The three big signs to watch for are declining sales, increasing customer complaints, and cash flow problems. If sales are dropping, customers are unhappy, and you’re struggling to pay bills, it’s time to take action.

How can declining sales signal business trouble?

Declining sales indicate your products or services are not appealing to customers anymore. It might be due to increased competition, outdated offerings, or poor marketing strategies. Identifying the cause is crucial to turn things around.

Why should I worry about customer complaints?

Customer complaints often point to product or service issues. Ignoring them can lead to bad reviews and loss of business. Addressing customer concerns promptly helps maintain your reputation and customer loyalty.

What can cash flow problems mean for my business?

Cash flow issues suggest you’re spending more than you’re earning. This can lead to debt and difficulty in meeting financial obligations. It’s essential to analyze your expenses and revenue to avoid long-term damage.

How can I prevent these warning signs from escalating?

Regularly review your business metrics, listen to customer feedback, and keep a close eye on your finances. Look to see the signs before they get bigger. Being proactive allows you to spot issues early and implement corrective measures before they escalate.

Do You See The Signs Ahead Warning Your Business? 3 Big Signs Share on X

2 thoughts on “Do You See The Signs Ahead Warning Your Business? 3 Big Signs”

  1. Lisa this is a fabulous lesson. I am happy you guys and the moose made it out unscathed. Super analogy too. Slowing down, calming down and deliberately working your business campaign reveals signs, warnings, patterns and all that good stuff, so you can avoid rough spots.


    1. Hi Ryan, Thank you. Yes, just a little damage to the truck but luckily not much and fixed. Now I’m always on the lookout! Yes, slowing down and deliberately working your business can make a huge difference! Thank you for coming by on this one and make it a great day and new month Ryan! December is here 🙂

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