The right tech tools can save you time and money like for example tech writing tools to help you write faster for your website. Having the right tech tool supply is critical for your small business to grow in the coming year.
Money and time are the two critical aspects of running a business, regardless of its size or industry.
When you and your staff are able to dedicate more time to the aspects of business that need it, results will improve. This means money saved can go towards investments or reduced expenses so as not to burden anyone with too much workload!
Since technology is at its prime and continues to advance, many business tools are available to help your business save money and time. Here are some tech tool supplies for your business:
Table of Contents
Tech Tool Supply List
Social Media Tech Tools
The advancement of social media has given businesses a chance to utilize it. This is why many businesses are focused on social media marketing and advertising.
Additionally, social media creates a cost-effective medium for businesses to interact with customers.
Social media can help you take your business to a wide audience without worrying about geographical borders.
By posting impressive content, being consistent, and communicating effectively with clients you can spread your content worldwide.
Compared to traditional marketing strategies, these expenses of tech tools are affordable and less time-consuming.
Finding and Retaining Business Clients Tools
CRM software such as Hubspot, SalesForce, and Insightly are excellent resources for attracting and maintaining customers. Not only that, but uncover hidden revenue too.
A CRM keeps track of future, current, and previous customers from the initial contact through your marketing and sales funnels. It may also be able to give resources for the development of those ties.
Using a CRM regularly can also help you make better business decisions based on facts rather than speculation.
You can keep track of how many new clients you have acquired over time. You can look for contacts using specific parameters like their location or the type of product they bought.
In this manner, you’ll know to whom you should send follow-up communications for referrals or repeat business.
As a result, your marketing budget can cover a lot more with these tech tools.
Task Management Tech Tools
Using task management software, which is simple and inexpensive, small business owners can save time and money.
For busy business owners who want to communicate and track their own and their employees’ work, any technology that allows you to track a task digitally rather than physically saves a lot of time.

Online task management apps like Asana and Trello developed on web stacks can be used to manage to-do lists, project progress, and calendars.
Setting automatic reminders and updates, to avoid spending time manually monitoring everything.
Automated Emailing Services
Several routine “busy work” tasks can now be automated. This allows business owners to focus on more intellectual endeavors.
Aweber and MailChimp, for example, make it simple to keep your email subscribers up to date on corporate news, big discounts, and promotions.
Several EMS systems will automatically disseminate your email newsletter to your social media pages, so you won’t have to.
Not only that but these email providers will also send out the emails again to those who did not open them the first time.
They can also send another email to those that did open the emails, to put them further in the purchase cycle. Automated drip email campaigns save you a lot of time.
Tech Tools For Writing
You can also use these tech writing tools to help with business blogging. The great thing is that they are designed with SEO in mind.
Your blog posts will be sure not only to capture the attention of potential customers but remain top-ranked on Google too!
These tech writing tools can be used to update headlines, paragraphs, and much more.
Furthermore, they help online businesses write better and faster product descriptions for their e-commerce websites. Many of these digital tools come with grammar and spellcheck.
Now that Google introduced Bard into the mix of AI, they have said they will NOT punish sites that use AI for writing content.
According to Search Engine Land, “Google prioritizes high-quality content, regardless of whether humans or machines generate it.”
There had been raging debates about these AI tools in recent months online. Now, you can use these tech tools worry-free.
Smart Scheduling Tech Tools
Meeting planning can take a lot of back-and-forth emails to find a mutually convenient time. Calendly and Acuity, for example, are meeting scheduling applications that can help you automate the process.
It provides the link to the other person and chooses from the various meeting times. You can use these to schedule Zoom meetings and all kinds of appointments with clients and staff.
Not only do they set the appointment but these scheduling tools also remind you before the meeting. You can have it set up for 30 minutes prior or longer.
Some scheduling tools come with a reminder 10 minutes prior to your set scheduled meeting.
Financial Digital Tools to Save You Money
Lastly, you can use a variety of financial tools and strategies online to save you time and money. Many small business owners, for example, bank online. You can use your bank app to scan in checks and pay bills.
Other financial tools help you manage your business finances. You can generate invoices with Paypal and use other top payment processors to pay for your staff or freelancers.
QuickBooks is another example of an online tool to track income and expenses as well as manage your own bookkeeping tasks.
eSignatures – A Great Tool
When you need things signed for contracts or agreements, DocuSign is one that comes to mind for many. As a business owner, you know how important it is to have contracts and agreements signed in a timely and secure manner.
But if you’re still relying on paper documents, you may be losing out on valuable time and money. That’s where eSignatures comes in. They are an electronic signature solution that helps streamline your business and eliminate the hassle of paperwork.
eSignatures saves businesses money since there’s no longer a need for document delivery services or postage fees when sending documents back and forth via mail. All users need to do is log into their accounts to access their documents.
This is not only more efficient but also more cost-effective as well!
Your Turn On Your Favorite Tech Tools
Are you using any of these types of digital tools to run your small business? Which tool is your favorite to use? I’d love to know what is in your tech tool supply bag today.
Please leave a comment below so we can discuss it.