video marketing

Video Marketing: 5 Ways To Grow Your Small Biz Faster

If you want to improve your business fast, video marketing is always one of the first places to focus on. There are of course a lot of ways to do this. There are many kinds of marketing that you might be keen on looking into. However, one of the most important to consider is a video marketing strategy for your small biz.

Video marketing is all the rage at the moment, and it’s known to be highly effective. Let’s take a look at how you can make use of video marketing in your business.

Understand The Power of Videos

First of all, to help inspire you to make more video marketing, it might be helpful to know about its sheer power, as that might surprise you.

The stats show that around 94% of marketers who use video plan to continue because they have seen what a fantastic tool it can be for their purposes. Not only that but 68% of marketers say video has a better return on investment than Google Ads!

Furthermore, more businesses are reporting that video is helping to drive their sales considerably. That is the final goal in all of this, right?

The more you appreciate the power of video, the more likely it is that you will make good use of it for a video marketing campaign.

Video Marketing Statistics

According to WebFX, 1/3 of all online activity is spent watching videos. 55% of people watch videos every day.

The age demographic who watch the most videos are between 12 and 44 years old. Over 75% of the videos watched are watch from a mobile app although 75% of viewers prefer watching horizontal video.

Lastly 92% of viewers watch with the sound off. A good reason to provide captions for your videos.

video marketing

What Can Video Marketing Do For Your Biz?

  • Engage with your audience
  • Tell a story
  • Increase social shares
  • Improves your SEO efforts
  • Educates your audience
  • Show how something works
  • Increases trust in your brand
  • Expand your reach with this medium
  • Better ROI
  • Increase sales

Hire The Best For Your Videos

The quality of the video is really important. It’s not just that any old video will do. To ensure that, you simply need to hire the best to produce marketing videos for your biz.

There are a lot of people who are able to help you with your video production. However, you will want someone you can trust. Someone who understands how video works, and what the stages of video production are.

Also, someone who has a good eye for making marketing work too. If you can find that person, it’s going to help with producing amazing video material that benefits your brand. If you’re stuck, look online to find a sustainability marketing agency

Elements of Your Video Content Strategy

These 4 elements will help you produce the best video content for your small biz. Watch the video below to learn about them:

Use Teasers To Reel Them In

Did you know using the word YOU can increase your marketing video views by over 95%? Be sure to include the word YOU in your video teaser. That way you are addressing them individually.

Then, make a statement that your viewers can agree with and offer a solution to their problem.

People’s attention span is shorter than ever so you have to reel them in quickly with your teasers. Then, of course, keep their attention longer with your well-produced video.

Call to Action

Be sure to end your marketing video with your call to action. Tell them about your call to action in the video. Then, put the call to action link in the description on YouTube or Rumble.

Ask them to click on it! Moreover, give them a benefit for clicking on your call to action.

Lastly, don’t forget to market your video content! Share it on social media, include it in your emails, and post it on your website or blog.

Video marketing on social media is hot today and increases your engagement.

Remember Your Brand in Video Marketing

Your brand is one of the most important things about using video. You need to make sure that you are remembering your brand, as that is what this is all about.

The marketing video that you produce has to reflect your brand. It has to align with the right values, and ultimately give off the right impression of your brand too.

The videos are going to mean that your brand is much more positively received when done correctly.

Types of Video Marketing

Video advertising comes in many forms, each with its own strengths. Product demos show your product in action, making it easy for viewers to see its value.

Testimonials let satisfied customers share their experiences, which builds trust. Explainer videos break down complex ideas into simple terms, making them perfect for educating your audience.

Live streaming videos create real-time engagement, allowing instant interaction with viewers.

Finally, behind-the-scenes footage gives a personal touch, showing the human side of your brand. Each type has a unique role in boosting your online presence.

Final Thoughts: Video-Marketing

Are you seeing the benefits of video in marketing for your small business? I’d love to hear more about it in the comments below.

If you want to quickly get started with video for your small business, try Fliki, an AI tool to create videos in minutes.

2 thoughts on “Video Marketing: 5 Ways To Grow Your Small Biz Faster”

  1. Hello Lisa,

    Video Marketing is growing at a rapid speed. People consume videos on daily basis and found it more helpful then the text. You have shared some helpful tips to leverage our video marketing for good results. Thanks for sharing

    Vishwajeet Kumar

    1. Hi Vishwajeet, video marketing certainly is growing fast. It’s everywhere on all the different channels and even embedded in our blogs. Have you used any yet? Thanks for coming by on this one Vishwajeet and have a great day.

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