small biz concerns

Overlook These Tiny 5 Small Biz Concerns At Your Peril

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. From managing a tight budget to handling the legality and technical aspects of managing a business with a small team, you’re juggling roughly ten balls at any time with many tiny small biz concerns. 

It’s hardly surprising, then, if you drop a few along the way. For the sake of your sanity and the strength of your performance in other areas, you may even voluntarily leave certain ‘small’ business focuses by the wayside for the time being. You can always come back to them, right?

Overlooking Concerns

Perhaps not. In reality, overlooking even seemingly small biz concerns within your small business can have a major knock-on effect. Worse, this effect can rear its head just as your business begins to gain traction, when all eyes are suddenly on you.

This increased attention, and the scrutiny it brings can especially leave you rueing the day you overlooked these commonly side-lined concerns. 

# 1 – Web Presence

The importance of a website is the first thing any small business owner hears about. But 46% of US small businesses still don’t have a website.

Worse, the small businesses that are online often suffer from issues like slow loading, ineffectual online payments, and other costly issues. 

This is a problem considering that 56% of consumers actively distrust companies who aren’t online. To some extent, it’s understandable not to want to spend large chunks of your budget when your small business largely appeals to local consumers.

But you’ll never grow if you don’t spend time in this area. 

Namely, small businesses need to develop SEO-friendly, fast-loading websites with mobile responsiveness and easy-to-use payments. As a matter of fact if you website is not mobile ready, Google will no longer index it after July 5, 2024.

The addition of trusted payment providers to your site, such as PayPal and Google Pay, can especially enhance customer trust, and the ROI you enjoy as a result of your efforts here. 

# 2 – Biz Concerns With Company Values

your company values

Picture Credit: CC0 License

When you’re worrying about product launch dates and marketing materials, it’s easy to overlook something like company values. You could even mistakenly assume something like this will take care of itself as you build your brand.

But, there should be more to your company’s core values than accidental subliminal messaging. 

The fact is, these values aren’t an accidental issue – they play a key role in how any consumer will view and interact with your brand. More directly, values should impact who and how you hire and operate in-house, as well as decision-making like where to advertise your products and in what format. 

For these reasons and more, company values should form as large a part of your business plan as your budgeting or other core priorities.

You should then include those core values within brand guidelines that you share company-wide, and refer back to for every single decision you make, including marketing campaigns, client accounts, and third-party vendors.

# 3 – Sustainability

In a small business, your focus is most often on how to get a job done, let alone how to do it in the best ways. But, with 72% of modern customers prioritizing brand sustainability, that could end up being a costly mistake. 

Even if they’re issues in the past, a history of unsustainable rubbish disposal or the excessive use of plastic packaging for your products can come back to bite you. Equally, working with unsustainable suppliers, or suppliers who have links to, say, the oil industry, could result in mass consumer boycotts of your brand. 

The only way around this is to consider sustainability in everything you do, as soon as you open your doors. In-house, this includes things like responsible waste disposal and recycling using trusted haul companies like those in the CurbWaste network, the use of sustainable materials, and even the reduction of energy outputs where possible.

Further afield, you’ll need to consider things like the sustainability values of your vendors and distributors, as well as outreach in the community which includes waste reduction or recycling initiatives, and local regeneration efforts. 

#4 Networking Biz Concerns

networking biz concerns

Picture Credit: CC0 License

One of the top small biz concerns is making time to socialize is tough when you’re working long hours and piling everything into your small business. But, failing to build a network in those early days can both stunt your growth and hold you back when your business does start to gain traction. 

In the age of social media, the right connections are particularly important for things like collaborations that reach brand-new, willing audiences. One mention from a large-scale brand or influencer could literally see your sales skyrocketing.

Equally, the support of trusted industry confidants can be useful at any stage, ensuring that you can talk to people in the know about your concerns or struggles. 

Simply make sure that you’re building networks more efficiently, by making use of social media interactions, attending relevant industry trade shows, and building the best name for yourself as an innovative, value-led brand that’s worth watching and knowing. 

#5 Performance Management

Another little biz concern is that you likely spend so long choosing the right team members

for your small business team that you don’t even think twice about how you’ll manage performance. Instead, you may slip into industry standards like quarterly reviews or metrics-based oversight.

Unfortunately, both of these options are pretty outdated, and they have a negative outlook that could see you losing your best hires fast. That can lead to escalating costs and reputational damage that might be difficult to come back from. 

To avoid this, it’s best to consider performance management that integrates with your company’s core values upfront.

In particular, modern managers are leaning towards more guidance-led performance management, which includes upfront training courses, and a focus on actionable advice rather than criticism or restricted measurement metrics.

This, in turn, can create a far more loyal and productive team of long-standing employees who care enough to take your company wherever you want it to grow. 

Conclusion: Small Biz Concerns For Solopreneur

You’re one person, and there’s only so much you can manage within your business. But, if you want to see small business success, it’s worth making sure you’re never dropping these balls as you build your reputation. 

Running a small biz as a solopreneur is challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding even with your small biz concerns. The journey demands focus, tenacity, and smart decision-making.

Addressing common concerns such as time management, financial planning, and marketing strategies can keep you ahead. Embrace the hustle, stay organized, and never stop learning. Your success lies in your own hands.

What are you doing to address biz concerns in your small biz today? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below..

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Frequently Asked Questions about Overlook These Seemingly Tiny Small Biz Concerns At Your Peril

Why should I care about small issues in my business?

Small issues can snowball into big problems. Ignoring them can hurt your reputation, lead to financial losses, and hamper growth.

What are some tiny concerns often overlooked by small business owners?

Commonly overlooked concerns include outdated websites, lack of social media presence, sustainability, time for networking and unaddressed employee issues.

Why is an updated website so important?

An outdated website can drive potential customers away. It can make your business seem unprofessional and out of touch.

What’s the risk of not being active on social media?

Lack of social media presence can make your business invisible to a huge online audience. You miss out on free marketing and customer engagement.

How can ignoring employee issues hurt my business?

Unhappy employees can lead to high turnover, low productivity, and a toxic work environment. This impacts overall performance and customer satisfaction.

Why is Brand Sustainability Important?

This biz concerns happens today because 72% of customers prioritize using sustainability products and companies.

Is it necessary to track small expenses?

Yes. Small expenses can add up and eat into your profits making small biz concerns into larger ones. Keeping track helps you manage your budget and find areas to cut costs.

Should I invest in a professional website redesign?

Definitely. A professional website enhances your credibility, improves user experience, and can increase sales.

Can small operational inefficiencies affect my bottom line?

Absolutely. Inefficiencies waste time and resources, reducing your profit margins. Streamline operations to cut costs and boost productivity.

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