We had experienced a heatwave in Europe and the United States last summer. This may be fine for some businesses. However, your business and your employees might not be.
If your office building or home office gets too hot then you may have to start sending staff home. Heatwaves are not great for business so what can you do to keep everything running as smoothly as possible?
Learn how your business survives the coming heatwave with the following tips.
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Relax The Dress Code During Summer Months
If you currently have a suit-only dress code then you may want to rethink this. It is far too hot during this summer heatwave to come to work in a full suit.
If you insist on your staff dressing smart then recommend they come in something cooler. In the past few years, business attire has become more relaxed.
This could be a shirt only with smart trousers or skirts, this works just as well as a full suit. Even if you work from home you will want to dress less.
In the past few years, business attire has become more relaxed. #smallbusinessowner Share on XLet Employees Leave Early During High Temperatures
If the weather outside becomes too unbearable then give your staff the opportunity to leave. Keep in mind the staff who have to use public transport to get home in the heat, that is not fun at all.
Believe it or not, there is no upper limit stated in the law where you have to send staff home.

There is a lower limit but not a higher one, perhaps they will rethink that one soon if the hot weather continues year after year.
Provide Access to Water During Summer Heatwave
Ensure your staff always have access to water. It is common for staff members to leave their water bottles at home, especially if they are in the freezer. Perhaps you could invest in a water machine with reusable cups.
If staff doesn’t have access to cold water then they may suffer the effects of dehydration. This will lower their productivity and your business’s bottom line.
You want to be sure your employees or freelancers are happy and healthy to be a peak performance.
Look After The Office Plants and Gardens
If your business comes complete with a beautiful garden with plants then you will need to maintain this and ensure it always looks its best. You may have a gardener who does this for you or you may do it yourself to save on costs.
There is one thing you can do that is much better for not only your business but the planet as well, and that is investing in rainwater tanks.
These tanks will do exactly that, fill with rainwater and then you can use it for your garden rather than using hose pipes or watering cans all the time.

Did you know that plants also stabilize humidity levels? Indoor plants have also been shown to reduce the symptoms of “sick building syndrome” or SBS.
So keeping them refreshed is another benefit to you and your employees.
Turn Off Technology During The Heatwave This Summer
Finally, technology can make the surrounding areas increasingly hot, so hot that it becomes unbearable to work or concentrate. If there are any computers that don’t get used, turn them off. This not only saves energy consumption but the office overheating.
You and your staff will thank you for it. You could remind staff to turn off monitors at the end of the day as well, this way the office will remain cooler overnight. Lastly, remember to prepare your business for winter too at the end of the summer.
Your Turn On Staying Cool
What else are you doing so that your business survives the heatwave? I’d love to hear more in the comments below.