Setting up and running a business from one’s home may be the perfect solution for people since it provides them with a great deal of job satisfaction, freedom over their work schedules, and options for how they can best arrange their professional lives.
There are numerous financial advantages of working from home other than renting office space or another type of workplace. For example, no expenses associated with commuting to work, maintaining the premises, or paying for things like insurance and electricity bills.
Can you efficiently work your business from home today? As long as you have work-at-home business ideas you can do it effectively today.
Since then, many people have found they love the flexibility of working from home, especially with the right tools. Others do not like managing their own time in their home.
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Working From Home Tips
However, operating a business from the comfort of one’s own home does come with a few drawbacks, mostly with maintaining one’s productivity and staying motivated.
You may find working from home to be isolating. But there are ways to prevent that isolation feeling today.
Here are some tips to help you work your business from home:
Have A Dedicated Workspace To Work Your Business From Home
When you work from home, you have the temptation to lounge in your pajamas as you work on the couch in front of the television. Even while this is one of the advantages, it is not necessarily the most efficient method, especially if you want to get things done in a timely manner.
Therefore, invest some time and effort into designing a workstation exclusively yours. Even if it is only a corner of your bedroom where you can get things done in peace.
If you do not have enough room within your home, you might want to consider converting your garage or attic, or you might even build a separate outbuilding.
You do not need a lot of stuff; all you really need is a quality chair, a desk, some shelves and cabinets, and some good lighting – and of course, all of the necessary tech.
For most remote workers, this means a computer and something for scanning documents.
Keep a Daily Schedule Working From Home
Keeping a daily schedule will help you work efficiently from home every day. If you don’t write a to-do list or keep a calendar with tasks for each hour you can easily get off track.
This will also help you feel more productive when you check off your tasks daily.
A schedule will also keep good habits for your business.
Turn Off the TV When Working Your Business from Home
This working from the home tip is the most important for many of you. Having the TV on can be a major distraction.
Whether you are watching the news or your favorite program, it can take away hours from your day leaving you less productive in your business.
Just say no to your TV and turn it off!
Take Breaks Throughout the Day When Working Your Business from Home
This one is easier said than done. But if I put it down on the task calendar it will remind me to take that break. It’s also a health benefit for you to take breaks.
Go out and walk outdoors or go for a short ride and enjoy some different scenery. You may think of some new ideas for your business or for your clients.

You don’t want to wear yourself out by skipping breaks and being worn out of work even from home. Sure you can work from your bed, but how efficient would you be from your bed?
Now, I’ve done it when I’ve been sick in the past as a necessity. But it is not something I would recommend for you to do!
Getting Lost In Your Work
It is easy to get completely lost in your work and let it take over your personal time as well as the time you spend with your family when you are preoccupied with thoughts of how much money you can make working from home.
When you are preoccupied with these thoughts, it is easy to let your work take over your time. This is not good for anyone’s health and might even have the opposite effect.
When you are exhausted, you are not able to perform to the best of your abilities.
You might want to try using the Pomodoro method. Using this strategy, you work for 25 minutes, then take a break from the computer or the job for five minutes, and then return to working for another 25 minutes.
This will assist you in taking small breaks on a more consistent basis.
Delegate Out Some Daily Tasks to Work Your Business From Home
Just because you are working your business from home doesn’t mean you can’t delegate some tasks. You don’t want to be working 24/7 just because you are at home.
Doing so could cause family friction and that is not good for business.
I’ve found that working my business from home I spend more time on my business. My average workday tends to be around 10 hours a day. I’m working on getting that down to around 9 hours per day this year.
Get Dressed Each Day As You Work Your Business From Home
You never know when you will need to go on a video conference call. Not only that but being dressed for business will get you more in the mood to work in and on the business. It will make you more productive according to the research.
You may produce more videos or make one more call in your business attire. You don’t need to be in a suit, or in a tie but nice crisp clothing will work just fine.
Sweatsuits may not work well unless you are a mechanic with a garage.
Call Friends On Break Time
Working from home may be incredibly lonely, particularly if you are accustomed to working in an office always full of people and activities. Make sure you schedule a time to hang out with friends and get some fresh air, even if it is only to get a cup of coffee or a sandwich at a local café during your lunch break.
It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle while working from home. Keeping in touch with friends and or family during break time is a great way not to feel so isolated working from home today.
You can also do a Facebook video if you feel isolated at home.
I’ve been almost 3 years working my business full time from home and being isolated thereafter working in a cubicle and on the road for years was a big adjustment.
Being able to call others and visit others including client meetings really can help to offset the isolation for you.
Learn How To Use Webinars And Video Conference Calls
Now that you are working your business from home you will need to stay in touch with clients regularly. Learn as much as you can about doing webinars, videos, and conference calls to keep communications open.
People love doing business with people, and having them see YOU on video helps them to get to know you better when you can’t physically be there in person.
I love using Zoom meetings for my clients as we can chat online and share our screens as we work on projects.
Turn Your Phone Notifications OFF When Working On Projects
Do turn off your phone notifications when you are writing and working on projects. There is nothing worse than writing a blog post or marketing material when your phone is going off.
Even more distracting if you are working by crunching numbers.
You can do your best work for your business without interruptions from your mobile device. I love using push notifications but keep them quiet while busy on a project.
I do the same thing for the desktop – you can turn off your social media accounts to work quietly and efficiently from home on your desktop.
Keep Your Home Office Space Organized
If you have previous experience working in an office, you might be accustomed to having someone else manage your calendar or your diary and tell you when and where you need to be at specific times.
This is something required to do while working from home unless you have hired a virtual assistant to aid you with your task. You should mount a large planner on the wall so that you may be sure nothing important slips your mind.
Or, you can consider adding appointments, deadlines, and meetings to a digital calendar, such as the one offered by Google. In addition, to prevent your workplace from becoming overrun with scraps of paper and receipts.
Therefore, it could be a smart idea to devise an organizational system. When you need anything, and you have filed away critical documents, you will know just where to find it all.
Work From Your Home Office
This little tip will help you get more done just like if you were at your office or business. When I first began working from home I worked from the kitchen table.
Do try to get your office set up with a comfortable chair and a desk that is organized for your business.
Having a door to shut and keep others out of your office is another tip for those with young children, older parents, or even pets.
My dog Hunter loves to bark whenever I go on a video conference call. He hears me and others talking and thinks someone is in the office.
I do miss him since he’s been gone.

Don’t Do Housework Mid-Day As You Work Your Business From Home
If you start to do housework mid-day you may never get back to working your business from home! It can really wreak havoc on your schedule.
I like to do a few things early morning and then at the end of the day. I do most of the housework on the weekends to keep a routine going. It’s been a habit for years to do housework.
Therefore, try to keep your home habits going while you are working your business from home.
In Conclusion, Working Your Business From Home
- Managing a home business offers freedom and flexibility. It’s a chance to craft your workday around your life, not the other way around. Embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with it.
I’d love to know if and how you are working your business from home today. What myths has this blog post debunked for you working from home?
What other tips would you add to this list when setting up your business while working from home? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below.
As a 10 year work at home veteran, this is excellent advice Lisa. Folks wonder how I publish 10 or more posts daily between guest posts and my blog. Simple; I spend 3-4 hours daily, EVERY DAY, managing my energy offline. Meditating, doing Kriya yoga, doing yin yoga and exercising eats up nearly 4 hours of every day. But I also spend hours watching Netflix or YouTube, or, doing vacation stuff. Take frequent breaks. Be super energized as you work.
Hi Ryan, thank you. Yes, you are a PRO at working from home or anywhere from that matter 🙂 Yes, taking breaks and getting in walks or yoga is very helpful both physically and mentally for our well-being. Thanks for that reminder. I must drink more water throughout the day like I did when I was in a cubicle a few short years ago 🙂 Take care Ryan and I appreciate your feedback here.
Awesome work from home advice, thanks Lisa.
Participate enjoyed your section about calling friends. It’s so nice to receive a random call to catchup and can really reset you brain for more work ahead.
You should come write a post like this for DearBlogger! 🙂
Thanks again,
Thank you Greg. Yes, I’ve been doing more of that through phone calls, video and even email. I have freelancers from around the world that help out at My Inspire To Thrive blog and business and I’m keeping them abreast of things as well as checking on how they are doing in their neck of the woods (world). You are most welcome Greg and do take care there!