We all expect some stress in our working lives, that’s why it’s called work at the end of the day. That said, our work shouldn’t compromise our mental well-being or enjoyment of running the business of our dreams.
So, find out how you can stop the stress of running your small biz as you are adjusting your business in the first few years. Stop the Stress of Running a Small Biz and Relax a Little
If you are new to running a small business, you may feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Adjusting to your business will take time. It won’t happen overnight or in the first few months.
Table of Contents
The Hard First Year In Business : Stress Relief Strategies
That first year in business is the most stressful. Having to rely only on yourself to generate an income is scary.
You may wonder where your clients will come from and if they will pay you on time.
Of course, if you planned in advance you would have some cash to get you through those first few months.
Separate Financials from Your Small Biz
Separating your business and personal financials is not only good practice to keep everything organized, but it’s also a legal requirement. Unless you have clear evidence of money going into a separate account for business, you might not acquire a business account with the bank.
It’s important not to take any business payments in your personal account or make business payments using your personal credit card. Doing so mixes things up and will probably require an audit at the year’s end, so save your stress levels and keep it all separate from the beginning.
Ways To Reduce Stress By Investing in Branded Apps
Take your business on the road with branded apps that are excellent for customer experience and your bottom line. These days, almost everyone has a smartphone, and businesses are becoming ever more localized thanks to new SEO technologies and new algorithm updates.
If you want your customers to find your restaurant easily or send them a promotion when they’re in the area, they need to have your branded app on their phones.
Take this mobile app for restaurants; for example, it lets customers access unique restaurant menus on the hop.
Invest in Software to Stop The Stress of Running Your Business
When you’re setting up a small business, it’s all about saving money which leads to an overarching DIY mindset. Unfortunately, this, in turn, leads to a whole lot of stress as well as a decline in your productivity.
The answer is to invest in software to automate your processes.
Softwares come in many different forms; there is software for accounting, marketing, project management, and more.
These software solutions provide excellent automation solutions for many repetitive tasks freeing up time for you to attend to other tasks and grow the business. The same can be said for business equipment and tools.
Invest in anything that can save you a lot of time, as time = money.
Keep on Learning to Stress Less
That DIY mindset kicks in again when it comes to industry education. There are so many free resources available online that it makes sense to self-educate and save money.
That’s fine; self-education might well save you money, but will it save you time and stress? Probably not.
The trouble with self-education is that it requires a lot of trial and error to get things right, so it’s sometimes better to pay someone who’s been over the course. Investing in courses to increase your level of industry knowledge is money upfront, but it probably saves you money overall.
One of the things you may not realize is that you will need time to learn new things for your business. One of the things I quickly realized when I taught social media classes is that I had to learn more each time as things changed dramatically.

Learning is a never-ending cycle, the more you learn, the more you know you need to learn.
Today, that is common for all types of businesses. Things change quickly! You will need to keep up with the changes as your business may need to pivot and grow with them.
Learn some top skills for going into business here from my associate Dana —–> Top skills going into business. These tips will help you get started with your business on the right foot.
Productivity Strategies To Stop the Stress
Part of the reason we get stressed when running a business is because of time management and energy management. If you check your e-mails in the morning, for instance, you might suffer from decision fatigue throughout the day.
Therefore, leave your e-mails for around four before checking them; this helps to alleviate the stress of decision fatigue and helps get more done for your small biz.
You will be able to relax at the end of the day!
Take Breaks, So You Don’t Burn Out
That was my first 2 years in business as I started to burn out. I was always working away.
Getting up at 2 or 3 am to start the day. Some days I worked right until 7 or 8 pm at night.
Oftentimes, I’d eat lunch at the computer unless I was out visiting clients. Then I would eat on the drive to save time.
As I’m entering my 3rd year in business full time I began to make a shift. I sleep a little later, starting my day more near 5 a.m. and finishing the workday by 5 or 6 pm.
I started to feel better and become more creative in my client work.
Reading blog posts like this one from The Personal Growth Channel has made me realize that I had to make some changes.
I knew I would burn out if I continued to do it ALL each and every day.
So, learn from me, and don’t do it all yourself in your business and burn yourself out. Make time for yourself to take it easy by taking a break.
Take Care of Your Health to Stop the Stress
Now, working all the time is not the best for your health. Especially if you are sitting a lot for hours on end. I started to have issues with my back with a herniated disk and had to get costly injections.
After all, I thought to myself it was only a few years ago I walked a 26-mile marathon. Now I could barely walk. Yes, hard to believe!
Not only that, but according to Better Health, sitting or lying down for too long increases your risk of chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Too much sitting can also be bad for your mental health.
Being active is not as hard as you think. Exercise and stress relief go hand in hand.
There are lots of simple ways to include some physical activity in your day. One that I loved to do is walk the dog.

To become healthier as you run your business, be sure you take a break and walk around and don’t sit for hours on end. You will thank yourself later.
Hire Help to Stop the Stress
You really can’t do it all alone if you are working 10 or more hours per day. That was something I learned quickly as I was adjusting to being in business for myself. I hired a few freelancers within the first few months.
However, they did not all last. I had to do training and those that were doing the work didn’t have their hearts into it. So, I’ve had several freelancers since and now have a better feel for who is more qualified and likely to do the work.
Another tip is always to have someone in the wings as people have life situations that may take them away from work. Some have sick children, others may have elderly parents to tend to. And, others may become sick themselves.
It’s better to have an extra freelancer or employee than having to do everything yourself when life gets in the way. As you know, life does get in the way sometimes!
Lisa, Small Biz Tipster
Look for someone that can take over the business someday if you go on a vacation for an extended time period or if you decide to retire from your business.
Adjusting to Your Business Clients
Now, another lesson I’ve learned in the first 2 years in business is that it is okay to fire a client too. Not all clients are created equal.
If you are spending more time on one client to please them and nothing you are doing is pleasing them, it is time to move on. Don’t waste time on this one client!
Furthermore, you can upsell another existing client or find some new ones to replace the one making you miserable.
One of the advantages of being in business for yourself is that you get to pick who to work with. You can pick and choose your clientele.
This one tip will keep you and your business much calmer, and you much happier in your business and in your life
Charge Enough to Make Money for Your Business and Stop The Stress
Always remember, you are in business to make money. Of course, it’s natural to want to help people. Especially today with the pandemic crisis that hit back almost 2 years now. Some businesses need more help than others.
But if you don’t charge enough, you will begin to resent the work and that is not good for you, your clients, or your business.
If you are unsure of rates, charge a little higher. It’s easier to come down than to go up in price.
You will find yourself not doing as much for clients as well if you don’t charge enough. So be sure to set the rate structure right from the start. Research what others in your niche are charging and know the data points for your products and services.
Therefore, the rate structure for your products and/or services is one of the toughest areas for adjusting to your business as you grow.
Lisa, Small Biz Tipster
Realize It Will All Get Done and Relax a Little
I’ve come to realize that it will all get done in time. I don’t have to work from dawn to dusk to make it happen. The same goes for you, you just have to work a little smarter to stop the stress.
Once you realize this you won’t waste so much time in your day.
Learning your best times of day to work is really important to get the harder things done. Also knowing when you procrastinate and when you need some aid is important to understand.
Being calmer in your business as time goes on helps you to balance your business and your life.
Lastly, don’t forget to take some time off from time to time and take a vacation. Being able to totally shut off from your business will help you focus better when you return to it.
Adjusting your business to your life will be easier after some time off as it will stop the stress of your biz.
As we know, life’s too short for all work and no play.
Finally, Your Turn How to Stop The Stress and Stressors of Everyday Life
I’d love to know how you are doing in your small business today. How long did it take to adjust your business to be more comfortable? Is stress worse than you expected?
What tip has made the best impact on you for your business?
Do you feel more laid back as time goes on to run your small business? Let’s discuss this in the comment section below.
10 Ways to Stop the Stress of Running a Small Biz & Calm Down Share on X
Hi Lisa,
You have vital tips that anybody can use to adjust to his business seamlessly, and I like the idea of “charging more money.” Nobody goes into business for the sake of it but to make money. So if you don’t charge enough, the company will suffer and eventually fail. Nonetheless, I also recommend planning for the future. That way, it will be easy to adjust when things take a different turn. For instance, since the pandemic, many businesses transition from an in-office setting to online platforms and remote working. With planning, such adjustments will be easier.
Thank you for sharing!
Hi Moss, thank you. Oh yes, careful planning will help you to increase your business services or products and rates along with them. Otherwise, you will scramble at the last minute to raise rates and that may not work as well for your business or your clients. Thanks for coming by here Moss and make it a great and profitable day!
All good tips Lisa. Taking breaks has an amazing effect on your small business from multiple perspectives. Stress dissolves as you pull back from business, allowing you to think, feel and act clearly but chilling out gives you rest that you need to remain energized.
Thank you Ryan. I love how explain the process of taking a break has on your business and your life 🙂 Thanks for coming by on this one and have a great weekend ahead Ryan.